Greek Alumni Association created!

After about 10 years of talking about it, Greek Alumni have decided to formally organize and move Greek life into it’s next 50 years of creating lifelong friendships.

At Homecoming, 2022 the first official Board and Officers of the Greek Alumni Association voted to adopt our bylaws, create subcommittees, and begin work in earnest in regard to PRIVATELY facilitating Greek Alumni relations and helping Greek organizations at Bloomsburg/Commonwealth University manage their business.

Disaffiliation of Greek organizations by the University in 2020 was the last straw needed to break the camel’s back, and push Alumni to formally organize.

The voids left by disaffiliation were quickly managed by very engaged and energetic greek students, in the short term…but longer term solutions could only be provided by a stable, dedicated group of alumni (working with students) to provide the structure needed to address some of the longer-term areas of concern. things like…

  • Greek Alumni Events - Homecoming, Parent’s weekend, Block Party, parades, tailgates, Watermellon suck, etc. How do Greeks best organize these events, without campus involvement or a point-person with which to plan and promote?

  • Philanthropy and Public relations - How do Greeks best become great community partners and tell our story of “giving back”, if each organization is working in a vacuum?

  • Arbitration - what if active Greek orgs cannot come to agreement in regard to how to best proceed with greek life activities at the Bloomsburg campus?

  • History and best practices - Greeks have existed at Bloomsburg for over 50 years. There is a heritage there. Heritage is important because it shows where you have been: but more importantly…it helps give data in regard to where you should be going. Past mistakes and help correct future actions. This is why a central clearinghouse of all things “Greek” can aid in putting organizations on the best path for future success and creating more Leaders.

You can investigate all the areas of concern for Greek Alumni more thoroughly on our MISSION page.

Greek Alumni modeled other campuses around the nation and the world who had also recently been faced with campus disaffiliation of their Greek life programs. We selected the procedure and processes applicable to our situation, and reject those not necessary. The result being a great fledging organization, well positioned and well staffed to address the challenges of Greek Life, and flexible enough to adapt quickly to future challenges.

You can meet our first Board HERE

Lots more on this exciting organization and how you and your organization can be involved in future posts!

David Decoteau

I've done a lot of varied things.  Best to use the link if you want an idea of what makes me tick.

35 years of rants about greeks


Introducing the Greek Archive! Maintaining Continuity, Consistency & Heritage